K&F SEQUENZA 10 – Like never before
We´ve been talking about how a double 10” Line Array should be designed in 2022 for a long time now, but we just did not find a way to improve the acoustic performance of our SEQUENZA 10 System. German Magazine Production Partner wrote: “Thanks to the perfectionist design of the K&F SEQUENZA 10 in all areas, the system delivers a performance that, given the current state of the art, can without exaggeration be described as the limit of what is possible.” and that led us to the conclusion to improve some details that might not be state of the art. We acoustically redesigned the front grille from scratch and we designed some new FIR Filter presets that are going to be released soon after some serious testing during the 2021 open air season with lots of major artists and very positive feedback. The Hardware Upgrade-Kit is already available and in stock, the new Presets are going to be released soon as a free download for our PLM- and D-Series Amplifiers. Feel free to get in touch with our team if you have any questions, we´re looking forward to talking to you!
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