Premier for VIDA – a new line array speaker system with beam steering from Kling & Freitag
20 to 23 November, Kling & Freitag is exhibiting the new DSP-controlled line array speaker, VIDA, for the first time at the 28th sound engineering convention in Cologne.
VIDA is a full-range-compatible, modular 3-way line array speaker system that is fitted with 48 DSP channels and 48 class D amplifiers per module. The speaker systems are arranged coaxially per module.
The very lean 3-way system includes a 6.5-inch driver for the low frequency range, a 3.5-inch driver for the mid frequency range and 1-inch domes for the high frequency range. A total of 32 tweeter domes per metre are used in the high frequency. Since the distances between the tweeters are kept deliberately small, we achieve very clean sound radiation characteristics with no physically induced artefacts (about 10 kHz). This provides an enormous improvement in the quality of beam steering.
Other features include a cardioid module which basically compensates for low frequency reproduction and also the inadequate rear attenuation in the low / mid range of a conventional line array speaker. The system is controlled over various sources. The signal feed can be analogue, digital over AES/EBU, and can also take place over Dante. Special logic is integrated in the system, which enables redundant wiring. For an electronic incline of the beam, the user can choose between two algorithms; with one of those based on the FIR filter (FIR-Maker). In addition, a mechanical incline is possible, which can be combined with the electronic incline.
More information is available at the of Kling & Freitag booth at Boulevard Stand B-20, where the system will be presented as a prototype to the public for the first time.
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