Boot Boo Hook Festival 2012 – Hanover
Bootboohook, the festival with the particular name, is organized by the Hamburg independent label Tapete Records, together with the cultural association Faust e. V. since 2008. After three successful open air years the location has changed now. “Up to now it was always very familiar and totally relaxed”, the good-humored guys of Tapte Records are remembering.
This should not change in the new location in the Kronsberg Park: from 2012 the festival shall no more take place as usual on the meadow beside the Faust site in Hannover-Linden. Thanks to the new site, the problems of former years are history now: “Now we can play the stages even after 11 p.m. without worrying the neighborhood”, the organizer reports optimistically. The artists of the domains Electro & Electronica, Indie, Indie Pop, Indie Rock and Alternative Rock exceeded even the high expectations of the fans.
Perhaps the wicked atmosphere and the relaxed ambiance were due to the perfect sound which was loud, but without being displeasing. No wonder – this year the sound technology was essentially supported by Kling & Freitag, Hannover once again.
The well-known premium manufacturer of innovative soundsystems is a global player in the pro audio industry, and internationally well-reputed for good sound for more than twenty years.
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