Grace and Truth Church – Seoul
The first SEQUENZA 10 Line Array system and other supporting speakers from the German premium manufacturer, Kling & Freitag, was successfully installed at the Korean Grace and Truth Church in Seoul. With its high-domed ceiling, and great distance from the pulpit to the back wall, the church is acoustically challenging. There are standing waves and some reflections. The large main hall comprises 4,500 seats on two floors and more space is available for religious activities, if needed. The large open room with huge balcony required very precise positioning and orientation of the installed sound system.
The required sound system, therefore, needs to cover a broad spectrum. The selected K&F SEQUENZA 10 Line Array system of Kling & Freitag, with 9 items per side, fulfils this function very well. The company, Kusan Acoustic, installed additional Kling & Freitag speakers directly into the forestage, as well as ceiling speakers to amplify the area of the back rows of seats beneath the balcony. All speakers are controlled by the central interface of the K&F SystemRack with the integrated K&F CD-44 System Controller. The proven K&F CA 106 and K&F CA 1001 speakers efficiently amplify the volume in the back rows. The sound quality was classified as very well balanced overall. The two main vertical arrays, left and right of the altar below the ceiling, consist of three parts with three speakers each.
The upper third of the speaker system is directed towards the seats on the intermediate floor, which are much further away. The middle group of three speakers covers the middle area and the area below the balcony. The lower group fills the bottom front seats in the front rows with sound. The community has spared no expense or effort: Many new multimedia devices of the latest generation were installed. Two oversized LED screens were also built into the wall, to the left and to the right of the altar, and subdued lights are used to provide an enchanting backdrop for church services. Everything can be centrally controlled from the production room, enabling, among other things, live broadcasts and digital recordings for radio, television and the Internet. With the Kling & Freitag system, Kusan Acoustic was able to reproduce clear and natural sound, as well as very good speech intelligibility. The new system is easy to use and creates a good atmosphere during church services and concerts.